Meetings of Working Group 2





Status Reports

What is the FMI ?

Air quality research at the FMI.

Last update:
September 24th 2004

The first meeting was held on 7-8 June 1999 in Vienna, Austria. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here.

The second meeting was held on 29-30 November 1999 in Copenhagen, Denmark. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here.

The third meeting was held on 12 April 2000 in Antwerp, Belgium. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here.

The fourth meeting was held on 6-7 December 2000 in London, England. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here.

The fifth meeting and  a workshop on boundary layer parameterisationin co-operation with BUBBLE, WG1 and WG2 was held on 23-25 May 2001 in Zurich, Swizerland. Minutes as  a pdf-file can be found here  

The sixth meeting was held on 3-4 October 2001 in Toulouse, France.  (The workshop in Toulouse).
Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here 

The seventh meeting was held on 10-11 April 2002 in Rome, Italy. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here 

The eigth meeting was held on 16-18 October 2002 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here.

The nineth meeting was held on 21-23 September 2003 in Reading , UK. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here.

Workgroup Meeting & Workshop was held on 20-22 November 2003 in Lannemezan-Campistrous, France. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here.

Workgroup meeting : 18-19 March 2004 in Vienna, Austria. Minutes as a pdf-file can be found here.

WG2 had a short meeting during Harmo9 and the WG2 Final Report editorial board met at Nantes 26 - 28 July, 2004.

Other related meetings:

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